You can sort the rows within a table of data according to the data type, allowing you to order by figures& alphabetically and by date. 您还可以根据数据类型对数据表格中的行进行排序,这样便可以按数字、字母和日期进行排序。
You can sort the bookmarks by date and by popularity, and see which bookmarks are attracting the most visits. 可以根据日期和受欢迎度来对书签进行排序,并查看哪些书签获得了最多的关注。
For instance, the purchaseOrders table is partitioned by po_date and has a local index on po_customer, the query below will need a sort after the index scan 例如,表purchaseOrders通过podate进行了分区,并具有本地索引pocustomer,以下查询在完成索引扫描后还需要进行排序
For example, you can sort the list of blogs or the list of blog entries by date, title, most recommended, most commented, or most visited. 例如,可以根据日期、标题、最多推荐人数、最多评论人数或最多访问数来对博客列表或博客条目列表进行排序。
Change the value of the first two drop-down boxes for the field Sort results first by to Publish Date. 将字段Sortresultsfirstby的前两个下拉框的值改为PublishDate。
Again, using the Inbox view example, this view allows you to sort by sender, subject, date, size, and more. 以使用Inbox视图为例,该视图使您能够根据发件人、主题、数据、大小等进行排序。
Group or sort comments by Date Last Modified to call to attention to comment threads that are "active"( comments or replies that have been made recently). 根据DateLastModified进行分组或者分类,以引起对“活性”(最近所做的注释或者回应)注释线程的注意。
In the following sample, sort the results by date 在下面这个示例中,按照日期对结果排序
This is a fairly typical sort of complex data, in this case ordering something by date, time, and ID number by concatenating the numbers into a single number that we can then sort numerically. 这是一个典型的复杂数据排序操作,在该例中,要对日期、时间和ID号进行排序,这是通过将数字连接在一个数字上,然后对其进行数字排序实现的。
You can also configure the URL to sort the results by date. 您还可以配置URL来按照日期对结果排序。
The Web site uses a pair of drop-down menus to sort a list of search results by date. 这个网站使用成对的下拉菜单,根据时间对搜索结果进行排序。
You can sort your messages by sender, size, date, subject, or status. 您可以将邮件按照发件人、邮件大小、日期、主题或者状态进行排序。
In the sort by list, select the option that you want, such as date created. 在“排序依据”列表中,选择所需的选项,如“创建日期”。
The period of consignment is six month ( 180 day) starting from the goods 'arrival at the destination. Sort items by date, from oldest to most recent. 寄售期为从货物到达目的地之日起6个月。按日期从最终日期到最新日期排列。
To sort the list of updates by date or description while viewing your installation history, click the column headers. 要在查看安装历史时按日期或描述排列更新,请单击栏标题。
To sort the list of results by the date when the items were last modified, click View by modified date. 要按照项目的上一次修改日期对结果列表进行排序,请单击“按修改日期查看”。
If you want to see your project tasks in chronological order instead of the task ID number order, point to sort on the project menu, and then click by start date. 如果希望按时间顺序(而不是按任务标识号编码顺序)来查看项目中的任务,请指向“项目”菜单中的“排序”子菜单,然后单击“按开始时间”命令。
This will sort the detail data by order date. 此时将按订单日期对详细信息数据排序。
Please sort these files by date. 请把这些档案按日期分类。
One thing that this control is sadly lacking in, however, is the ability to sort by number or date. 然而这个控件的一个不足之处是按数字或日期排序的能力。
Sort items by date, from oldest to most recent. Jordan may come back as early as this Sunday 按日期从最终日期到最新日期排列。乔丹最早周日伤愈复出
Added sort by date option on the homebrew database. 连接到数据库时按照日期分类文件。
Sort notes by creation date or title. 排序的说明创建日期或标题。